Are you facing that tough decision at the venue of where to place your Bride & Groom table? The table for cake? The table for gifts? Where would the bar go? Most of all where to place the DJ?
I myself am a DJ with over 30 years of experience and I will be the first to tell you DJ placement at any venue is extremely important. If placed to far from the dance floor it will have an impact on sound not reaching the dance floor where guest’s are dancing. If tables are placed in-between the DJ and The Dance floor, it will make it uncomfortable for those guest’s being seated too close to the speakers. Always position the DJ as close as possible to the dance floor. Also remember that power is needed, depending on how much equipment is brought it will determine how many drops of power is needed. If sound and lighting is required more power will be needed. Please keep that in mind next time you are wondering where to place the DJ. Here is a chart that we provide to all our clients that will help you better understand the space needed.
Also when having an event outdoors always provide overhead shelter for the DJ, not only because of rain but the heat from sun will also damage the equipment.